Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Here's an update on what Asher's been up to for the last few weeks:

Staring me down.

Chewing. Lots of chewing. He's working on his top front teeth (he already has one through).

Rocking an awesome Daddy do. We've gotten a little creative since we put cream/lotion on him and in his hair 2 or 3 times a day.

Look how skinny. Poor boy. He's still losing weight (a total of 14 oz in the past 3 months).

After all that fussing while we put the cream on him, he tends to be exhausted. Sleepy boy.

Happy boy.

Playful boy. He may not be all that interested in actually eating those peas or that rice rusk but he'll play with it.

1 comment:

The Millers said...

I heart Asher! What a cutie! So sorry to hear he's still losing weight. :(