Monday, February 10, 2014

A Fairly Albert-centric Post

Sometimes Batman eats lunch with us.
Smiley face with static-y hair.
He's...busy.'s Bigfoot.  We find Albert here a lot lately.  It's one of his favorite places to play.
He also does a lot of climbing on the dining room chairs (mostly to get on the table).
Asher was building a track for his cars out of puzzle pieces. "Stay back, Albert."
Asher has spent a lot of time coloring.
Well done.

"These mittens are awesome!"
Holding up the door.
Albert likes to play peek-a-boo.
 A little peek.
 There's Albert!
Daddy was out of town for a couple of days so Grandma J came to visit. (She's not avoiding Tyler; she just thought she could be helpful.) Here's she was playing a game with Asher and Elias.
And then she helped Addilyn make a bracelet for a friend's birthday.
Albert enjoys his peanut butter sandwich in two pieces.  He always pulls it apart and eats it from the inside out. Silly baby.

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