Monday, April 7, 2014

Asher Turned 5!!

On the 2nd, Asher turned 5!  For his fifth birthday, Tyler made him his own desk.  Pretty snazzy, eh?
Here's my contribution to the desk project.
For his birthday breakfast, he chose Lucky Charms.  If you look closely, you'll see there are no marshmallows in his bowl; he harvested all he could find pretty quickly.
With breakfast, he was allowed to open one present.  Happy card.
Working on his Lego on his new desk.
Showing off his new shirt.
The cake.
After dinner, he opened the rest of his presents. The anticipation is almost more than one could bear.
Clothes?!! (I love that face so much!)
Oh, more Lego, that's better.
Blowing out the candles.
Let's see, other things that happened that we don't have photographic evidence of...

  • He got to go to preschool and bring his classmates some Rice Krispies treats with sprinkles to celebrate his day.  
  • He chose burgers and "orange fries" (sweet potato fries) for his birthday dinner.  
  • He got to go to work at the library with his Daddy during naptime. 

All in all, I think it was a pretty good day.

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