Saturday, January 3, 2015

Mostly Albert and a little Elias

I was getting ready to start a series of posts about our Christmas but found a bunch of pictures of the younger boys that needed to be posted.  Here is a bunch of the randomness that goes on in our house fairly regularly.
Albert likes to roam with his breakfast.  This is something I never would have allowed Addilyn (or probably Asher or Elias) to do, but haven't put up much of a fight with now that we're on number 4. At about 10;00 every morning, Albert will find what's left of his breakfast and finish it up.
Sometimes he'll share with his monkey.
Feeding the chameleon.
Hey look, it's Batman playing with some cars!
Be careful; he's got his eye on you!

Batman is flying!!
And he makes a graceful landing.
He risks reveling his secret identity for the sake of a clearer field of vision.  Bold, yet understandable.
Elias has a new favorite sandwich (aside from the ever-elusive pb and nutella sandwich).  This one is called "Ants on Kansas in a Dust Storm." Addilyn had a similar favorite sandwich at this age and I thought it was time to bring back the classic.
Nom, nom, nom.
I'm not sure what this face means but it implies mischief.
One day Albert fell asleep on the ottoman an hour before lunch.  That rarely happens now (he is sometimes hit or miss on his one afternoon nap) so I thought I should document it. I want to cuddle him.
A slimy, green monster decided to sit down and watch Dinosaur Train with Elias.
Elias was playing football in the backyard with Asher and mistakenly tackled the clothesline pole.  The pole definitely won.
That is one super sad two-year-old with his hat all askew.  I think someone should write a song about him.

Now that, that's finished...on to the Christmas posts!!

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