Monday, September 9, 2013

B Week

Last week we learned about the letter 'B'. Albert chose to celebrate by pulling up and banging on a drum.
We started with painting again.  
Did I mention that these boys love to paint?
Flap, flap.
We also made some boats as our example of something that starts with 'B'.   

We had to see if they floated.
They did! The boats may have only lasted a couple of minutes but the boys were entranced nonetheless. 
Cutie face!
Double cutie face!
We also had Asher meatballs.  I've been lazy for a while now when it comes to meatballs.  I've been just browning some beef and throwing in a few spices and calling it Asher meatballs.  Asher saw through my ploy and missed the real thing.  I finally made them for him and he was pretty excited.

1 comment:

Brian and Cheryl said...

Fun pictures yet again! And Cute boys!! You're such a creative Mom/teacher, Erin!