Monday, June 18, 2007

Far Far Away...

"Today we're going live to Addilyn Elise who is attempting to be the first baby to circumnavigate the globe in a hot air balloon. We now go to our live video feed."

"Looks like we've lost the signal, while our engineers try to reconnect us lets turn to our official Baby translator to see what Addilyn had to say, Bert."

"Addilyn began by begging US officials to drop all charges her parents are being faced with for letting their infant child attempt such an endeavor alone. She proceeded to ask whether or not you could come and change her diaper. Apparently she's sitting in a large pile of unpleasantness, Jackie"

"Thanks Bert. We don't yet have the signal up and running so lets take a look at what led to this most uncouth record attempt."

"It all started, like most of these crazy things do, with peer pressure. Here we see a photograph taken just a few months ago of Addilyn and here peer group. I don't know about you but I wouldn't want to have been in her position. "

"She seemed undaunted by the challenge however, here we see her just hours before lift off sitting in front of her giant, duck shaped balloon. Her appearance gives little doubt to the resolve she has in setting this record.

"We have just regained our signal with Addilyn; let's see what she's up to now."

"Again to our translator"

"Jackie, Addilyn seems to be enjoying herself, despite the mess in her pants. She said the view was simply breathtaking and that she wished her vision was up to snuff enough to fully appreciate it. She also mentioned that there are is a large number of ducks flying behind her, making a V shape. She's a little nervous of the proximity of them to her balloon and mentioned that it's a good thing her dad isn't up there with her; not sure what that means. She concluded her transmission with the words "To all my loving fans this has been Addilyn Elise, from a balloon." Jackie"


Kendall Smith said...

Funny...but who's Jackie?

Courtney e said...

Hahaha, nice Addie