Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Well it's official..........

I have Confluent & Reticulated Papillomatosis of Gougerot & Carteaud
Ooo Look, a better link


Courtney said...

Thank you for the hidden link.

So what does this mean?
Do You:
-have to take pills daily?
-have to cut out pop?
-have to stand on your head three times a day?
-HAVE to stay home from work?

Tyler & Erin Johnson said...

I take pills daily.

Kendall Smith said...

(as in the words of the caveman)...yeah...what?

Courtney e said...

dang... sucky deal.

Tyler & Erin Johnson said...

Not sure. They don't know much about this so it could clear up in a week or two or it could take years. Who knows?

Kendall Smith said...


Anonymous said...

Marilyn read the link with great interest... it is a condition she's never even heard of before. I read her the post about when you went to the med center and she chuckled because she remembered when she was in medical school, all the residents were sent into rooms to check out the most interesting cases. She figures your back will show up in some journal article. She says she'll keep an eye out for it.